IGE meets the challenge!

Thanks to many of you, the Institute for Global Education met our challenge grant awarded by the Fountain Street Church’s–Social Action Committee! Thru a matching grant, we raised $5000 for IGE to work on peace and social justice in our community.

With your donations, we hired an office coordinator for 15 hours per week to make sure the IGE office runs smoothly and to expand our programing. Now we can put more into our GRTV and IGE Talks programs, the Mandela Day celebration, Peace Week activities and Interfaith Service, NVC trainings, and more. Our office currently hosts study groups, movie nights, book discussions, petition drives and meetings with various groups.

If you missed out, but would like to contribute to making local progressive activities a success then please donate $100, $50, or $20 to IGE today. Please click here: IGE donation (PayPal)

Or make your check out to the Institute of Global Education and mail to the IGE office:
1118 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids MI 49506

We also accept cash, credit cards, and donations, which are deductible to the full extent of the law as IGE is a 501(c)(3).

For more info: call (616) 454-1642 or email Kate Shockey

The Institute for Global Education is a distinct voice in a changing and challenging world. We are a voice for those who value justice, seek peace, and advocate for progress. We depend on your contributions and volunteering to continue our work. When you invest in our mission, you become part of a local effort focused on global thinking.
The Institute for Global Education is registered with the State of Michigan as a non-profit corporation (501 c3). You can view the current list of registered non-profit charities at IGE 501 c3. You may need a receipt from IGE if you donate $250.00 or more in one payment but please consult your tax professional.
Usually your donation will be considered a membership to IGE. Please contact us if we can provide any assistance as you consider your gift.