1. Institute for Global Education is seeking volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in Peace & Justice issues, and passionate about people and developing more community. The Board of IGE is seeking individuals with good computer skills, add names to our database, send notices to people in data base about upcoming events, and send other information when needed. Board would like new volunteer to work in office at least one day a week, and be able to work independently, or other with other volunteer(s) from time to time.
2. Institute for Global Education is seeking volunteer to work with another volunteer to display and organize our fair trade items that we sale in office that IGE sales. These fair trade items represent Peace & Justice. This volunteer will work with the Treasurer and treasurer assistant to keep track of sales, keep a log, order new supply when need. This job can be done a once or twice month basis.
If Interested please email your information to email hidden; JavaScript is required or call the office 616-454-1642