Benefit for Chester Lowe


We are hosting a benefit to cover Chester Lowe’s medical expenses in his fight against blood cancer–multiple myeloma. Chester must now take 31 medications and maintain a C-PAP machine. Chemo treatments can take a year or longer, with monthly hospitalizations. Fortunately, his vital signs are improving, but this will be a difficult fight. We need your help to raise the money Chester needs to live longer.

Film showing: “Where To Invade Next” by Michael Moore

Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 2:30pm

Institute For Global Education

1118 Wealthy Street S.E.

Grand Rapids MI 49506


Serving food and beverages, with a discussion after the movie. Event is free and open to the public.

Please donate generously, make checks to: “Chester A. Lowe Donation Account” at IGE address above.

Sponsored by Friends of Chester Lowe, contact Katie Villarie 616-459-6626